
글로벌 링크

시민이 꿈꾸는 세상,광주광역시동구의회가 함께합니다.

Chairman's office

홈으로 외국어 안내 <br/><span>(For Foreigners)</span> 영어 English Chairman's office
안양시의회 의장 최병일 사진

Chairman of Anyang City counci
Choi Byung Il

My name is Choi Byung Il
and I’m the chairman of Anyang City Council.
Welcome to all those who came to visit the Anyang City Council homepage.
We will do our best to create an open council that communicates well and
a council that accompanies citizens.
Above all, the 9th Anyang City Council which has started anew,
will strive to become a citizen-centered council.
We will always be wary of our authority as a member of the National Assembly, and we will take one step closer to the local
community without forgetting that citizens are the owners.

We will do our best to make Anyang City Council
a representative institution for citizens that cares only about the development of Anyang City
and the happiness of citizens through faithful action,
not empty words, and the trust and support of its citizens.

[A council that communicates and cooperates well]
- Anyang City council will become an open communication council for anyone.
- Without distinguishing between the people and the council based on one-sided standards,
we will listen again and again with a humble and sincere attitude so that small tremors in the local community can create a big resonance for all of us.

[Democratic and trusted council]
- We will correct wrong practices at the level of the public eye
and make our council more transparent and democratic.

[Hard working council]
- All honor should be given to honest hard work.
- With the belief that the hard work of our members of the council is the comfort of citizens,
we will study tirelessly and enthusiastically go to the field to become a hand and a foot for the residents.
In order to meet the ever-changing demands of our citizens,
none of the 20 members of the council will be complacent with existing conditions,
and we will always be with our citizens for the next four years, without losing our initial motivation,
so that we can be remembered as 'good workers, and very hard workers.'

I ask for interest and support from our citizens,
and wish you and your family health and happiness always.

Thank you.

Chairman of Anyang City council Choi Byung Il

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보

광주광역시동구의회 의원프로필


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