
글로벌 링크

시민이 꿈꾸는 세상,광주광역시동구의회가 함께합니다.

Council Secretariat

홈으로 외국어 안내 <br/><span>(For Foreigners)</span> 영어 English Council Secretariat

These are the phone number of the Council secretariat.

※ 모바일환경에서는 좌우로 이동하여 내용(표)을 보실 수 있습니다.

의회사무국 전화번호 안내 (실/팀, 전화번호, 담당업무)
Team/Room Phone No. Assigned work
Secretary General’s Office 031-8045-2506 General Manager of Council Secretariat
Council Operating Committee 031-8045-2505 Council Operating Committee Assistant
Legislative Advisory Committee 031-8045-5929 Legislative support and review of proposed ordinances
General Affairs and Economics Expert Committee Office 031-8045-2532 General Affairs and Economics Expert Committee Assisstant
Insurer's Environment Specialist's Office 031-8045-2531 Insurer's Environment Committee Assisstant
Urban Construction Specialist Committee Office 031-8045-2533 Urban Construction Specialist Committee Assistant
Council Politics Team 031-8045-2523 Council business planning and protocol, etc.
Chairman's Secretary Office 031-8045-2500 Chairman performance and schedule management, etc.
Proceedings Team 031-8045-5921 Operation of the plenary session and progress of proceedings, etc.
PR team 031-8045-5921 General public relations work in council

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보

광주광역시동구의회 의원프로필


학력사항 및 경력사항

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